
Saturday 28 March 2020

Trying Times

I've read so much, about the wars, about the holocaust, about dictators, about tremendous suffering but never did I imagine that I too would live through a time that will go down in history as one of the worst global pandemics ever.

Yes the toll of death may be lower than the millions that were wiped out from plagues, yes the disease may not be as horrific either, but multitudes are still suffering. Moreover, when we overcome this which we will, life may not be what it once was anymore.

Over the last few days, many have responded to the covid-19 crisis in many different ways. Some have taken the opportunity to be productive, some have resorted to humour, some to worry and others have just given in to boredom or sadly even fear.

This morning I woke up to a series of messages suggesting that the world is probably coming to an end. The messages were meant to inspire the godly, reminding them that life on earth is but a passing phase and god is taking us to better times and better places. And all I wanted to do was remind the author of these messages that the world has suffered and survived far worse. Our faith should be of sterner stuff. This should be the time that we remember how much the world has suffered in the past and yet grew on to be the world that we live in today. We should be thankful to god and hope and believe that this too will pass.

In a way, this is a transition, from life as we know to life that has to adapt to a new world.

Many other messages over the past few days were attempts to inspire, that we count the days till the lockdown is finished, but the way things are spiralling out of hand is a good indication that the lockdown may not be for just a week or two, but indefinite. Italy is proof.

Why do I choose to believe that the world is not ending yet? With perseverance, patience and dedication, Wuhan has pulled through and survived this crisis, how many they may have actually lost is a guess I fear to take but still, they pulled through. Italy too will survive this as it had survived the many wars and plagues in the past, with pain and loss, but it will survive. The worst is still to come to many other great countries. But India, my land, will probably lose much more.

Most of those who succumbed to covid-19 were sadly aged or unwell. India is young so the hope is the virus won't kill as many, but much of India is poor and this deadly virus has left them vulnerable to so much else including cholera, but the greatest killer would probably be hunger.

So those of us, secluded and safe in our comfortable homes with three square meals a day, be grateful.

I was blessed to visit Terezin, one of Hitler's dreaded concentration camps. I say blessed for that is indeed how I felt when I stood on that dreary site and visualised how tragic the lives of the Jews imprisoned there must've been at the time. Living from moment to moment, with no hope and nothing to look forward to. For them indeed, the world must have been at an end. And yet, some survived that fate and lived on to tell the horrendous tales of their endless and pointless sufferings.

Those who survived were not the fittest. Those who survived were those who had the will. They had the will to accept that their lives had changed forever, but more so they had the will to survive each day without giving up.

We too must have the will to overcome this.

We have everything at our doorstep, every opportunity and every support to beat this. Therefore be grateful. Let your prayers be those of gratitude. Be grateful for the love that surrounds you. For your family and friends. And every moment you feel weak and worry about your fate, remember the many including women and children who lived on a single meal a day are now left with absolutely nothing, not even water to drink.

If you feel life is unfair, and it is possible such thoughts will occur since we have always enjoyed freedom, be grateful that we live in a world that keeps us connected though we are forced to stay apart. Remember, till very recently, our Kashmir suffered worse and survived.

When impatience or boredom knocks at your door, pray for the health and welfare of the government, the officials and the medical workers who probably haven't had a full night's sleep since this nightmare began and who are the true warriors out on this deadly battlefield fighting for us, to keep us safe. Pray that the infected have the immunity to overcome this disease. Thank god for the many who have fought and defeated the disease. Pray that society stands together while apart to fight this for each other. Remember that this is not an infection that seeks its prey but a sickness where we choose to be the victim. Take the choice to stay safe.

Do not count the days, just take each day as it comes. Spend each moment wisely, productively. This is not the time to waste essentials but to use them frugally. For how long this may go on is unknown. Do not ponder on what was and what may be but school your mind to adapt.

Take inspiration from all the countries that are fighting this disease. Take inspiration from the wise scientists across the world fighting to find a cure, a vaccine, anything to beat this. Take inspiration from the leaders who are with us. And let that inspire our will to survive this.

But most of all, give in and accept the understanding that life has irreversibly changed, have the will to accept that change and adapt. New joys will come. A new day will be ours. But for now that can wait. Today our prayers are needed by many, pray for them.

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