Some women probably feel they're above and beyond silly sentiments hence the title of this post, so for those of you who thought I'm talking about the needs of 'the other woman', sorry but you'll have to think again because I'm talking about the, well, rather many things most women want, expect and definitely hope to have from the man they choose to love.
And believe me I'm talking not just from my own personal view but from conclusions drawn over years of innumerable discussions on related topics with many many members of the fairer sex and with many many unfortunately ignorant men as well!
So if you're a guy and you believe you love a woman and if, from the heart, you wish to be her every happiness then maybe this post will help.
I guess we all know that every relationship needs continuous, consistent and constant efforts for sustenance and growth. Just because you're a couple doesn't mean you can rest easy, believe me, no self-respecting woman will suffer negligence! Therefore be prepared to be on your toes most of the time!
Always remember that she could have chosen to be with any man but she chose to be with you. So there is definitely a lot about you that meets with her approval, but that doesn't make your job any easier because for her to stay on with you is eventually in your own hands. Also, on the many madly frustrating occasions that you're tempted to just throw everything to the winds and walk away, remember you chose to love her too so there's a lot to her that you adore, that you may never find in anyone else. Thus, if she truly matters then everything about her has to matter too. You cannot be selective.
The one thing you need to do is take the effort to understand her, and almost everything else will fall in place.
I know this is perhaps beyond the greatest capacities of most average men but believe yourself to be beyond average.
Remove yourself from your shoes and try wearing hers for a change.
A tip to make this easier - think not with the head but with the heart.
Her needs, her thoughts and her feelings will then appear quite simple and not the complicated complexities that you thought them to be. So drag in deep breaths, call forth all your patience, sit down, hold her in your arms and listen, yes, actually listen, to what she has to say. Don't listen only to find points to push your case, listen so that you can figure out what her case is all about.
And that brings us to the one thing you will then need to have in abundance, patience.
She will have a hundred issues and most of them will probably seem absurdly ridiculous to you, she will probably bring them up at the most importune of moments, and those are the very moments when you need to have infinite patience.
You may believe that you have far better things to do with your time and you may itch to walk away and stay away till she comes back to her senses. These are normal male reactions to such situations, but this is where I plead that you remember you love her.
If you chose to be happy with her then you must accept that you will have to work at keeping her happy too. I've seen many men holler and yell and be outright rude, creating irreparable messes when all that was needed was some patience. Shutting her out, ignoring her and worst of all, abusing her will only push her away in ways you will later regret.
Now most men would claim that she pushed them to such levels. That she started the fight. That she egged him to lose control. Well, all I can say is, you're not in the eighth grade anymore. Who cares who started it all when you contributed to it too?? In the end it doesn't matter who started an argument, what matters is that the two of you work together to end it, because eventually both of you will either suffer or rejoice. Not one alone is ever the loser.
Of course no one is perfect and there will definitely be occasions when you will lose control and you would probably let loose far more steam than you should. If you ever regret the way you behave, then make sure you let her know. If you feel remorse then apologise. Once again remember this is the woman you love, the woman who loves you too. There is no shame in apologies but they must be sincere, don't apologise just for the sake of it, it won't mean a thing. If she loves you she'll know if you're true.
No ego should come in the way of love. You don't want to end up alone with just your bloated ego for company. Most relationships suffer tremendously because one partner chooses to value their ego more than the other. That's a downhill road for sure. Avoid it under all circumstances.
If you believe you love her, do not hesitate to give your heart to her. Take the risk. That's what being in love is all about. You may fear getting hurt, you may be tempted to keep a bit of you to yourself. Whatever for?
If she has unhesitatingly given you all that she is then by all means let her own your soul. Allow her to know your imperfections. Let her see your visions, let her read your thoughts and dream your dreams. Let her be your partner in every way. Share everything that you are. Be a couple. Truly.
But don't let it be all about you always. Encourage her to share all that she is too. Take the time and have the need to know her. Don't just hear her but listen to her. Don't pretend interest but be interested and if you don't really care then maybe you should think over the whole relationship, because you could not be not interested in the woman you believe you love. And remember, no woman is a fool. She will know if you're genuinely keen in all of her or just parts of her!
Don't take her lightly, but take pride in the fact that she wants to share all that she is with you, value her and let her know that you genuinely want to be a part of her.
I believe respect is the main ingredient to a fulfilling relationship. Perhaps even more necessary than love. Earn her respect and learn to respect her back. Revere her individuality. Recognise her values and respect her views. It is not mandatory that you should agree on everything. Give her her space and develop the ability to love her despite your differences. Every time you treat her unfairly, every time you choose to brush her away, you only end up losing her respect, slowly but surely. You don't want that, not if she really matters.
Value her opinions. Most women are unfortunately strongly opinionated. Suggestions, ideas and even directions will probably be delivered in abundance. You may not want it all, you may not even want any of it, but give her the benefit of your attention and don't be brash when you let her know you've decided to override her views. Some women may react badly, which brings us to the next necessity of loving a woman the way she needs to be loved.
Every woman has an Achilles heel. I mean, there'll be a way to reach within each woman, going past her complexities and winning her over. And may I point out here that sex is definitely the one way it definitely is not.
Some women understand logic, some just need tenderness. Some need explanations, others want expressions, some honesty, others kindness and so on. Take the time to figure out the route to her soul, it's for your own good. You need her to be on your side. And she needs to be made aware of how important she is to you.
It won't hurt to do it the one way it will work because it can't and won't work the way you want it to. If you choose not to take the effort, she will withdraw. And where there was once heat and passion there will be just silence. Silence from a woman, any woman, is not a good sign. You may believe you achieved your goal but nope, you would have actually lost much more because you would have convinced her that you don't care, and she will draw into herself and away from you.
Aggression may seem the manly option, but you will not be bulldozing your will on her, you will be bulldozing her way away. You may believe that your way works because she's stopped arguing, she's adjusted to your preferences and she's given up her take, believe me her take is not the only thing she would have given up on and the only reason she's still with you is not out of helplessness but love. And love does not survive on its own. So for both your sakes meet her halfway.
There will be countless times when she will annoy you beyond belief. Have the heart to forgive her. Because, yes! she's the woman you love!!
Now no matter how mature, or sensible or levelheaded, or practical she is, there is one thing every woman loves. And that's none other than some mushy romance. So you're not romantic? You don't believe in birthdays or Valentine's? Flowers and gifts are a waste of time? Fine. But do those things matter to her? If they do and if she's made you aware of it then it won't hurt to take the effort once in a while to do things her way. I'm talking of just a day or two in a year, is that so difficult to do? Just because she doesn't say anything anymore does not mean it doesn't matter anymore, it just means she loves you enough to choose to honour your take. She cares so much for you that she's sacrificing the little joys she actually longs for. All I ask, would it hurt to go out of the way and do something for her in a way you know she would enjoy? After all.. uh huh, she's the woman you love! Don't just claim you would do anything to keep her happy, go out there and do as you preach.
Now some men do take efforts. They do go out of their way and they do care to be giving. The glow on their woman's face is testimony to the efforts they took.
But some men don't really bother to find out if it's what she would like. Nope, they just go ahead and do what they 'think' is best for her. Listen up, she's no idiot. She's not a dummy to be moulded to suit your tastes and preferences. She's a living, breathing, thinking individual who has pretty much a clear idea of what she is and what she wants. Does she really matter to you? Then take the time to find out what she would like, how she would want to be loved, where she would love to go, honour her sentiments, at least once in a while, and realise for yourself what your effort means to her. Besides it's not just the effort but the thought behind it as well.
Be it a romantic candlelit dinner, handpicked flowers, or a quiet walk down the beach.
Even the smallest thing can go a mile.
You may not believe in birthdays, and celebrations may seem like a chore you're forced to repeat every year. Dates may easily be moved about to suit conveniences. Don't push it till she's given up hope and has accepted that this is all she is to get. Doesn't she deserve more? Don't just do anything, do something that will actually make a difference. Not just once, but once in a while.
If you love her, she mustn't be made to wait, if she needs you then everything else needs to wait.
Some guys then claim that she is never satisfied and demands all their time and attention especially when they have far more important things to do. Really??
Do not take her or her love for granted. How many women have loved you the way she does?
Many men declare their woman to be their biggest priority yet they constantly fail to place her needs above everything else. Which beggars the question, what exactly does he mean then? Most of the time, her needs are put aside for others. Perhaps because he is confident he will always have his tomorrows with her. How sure are you that there will even be a tomorrow? What can be done today should and must be done today. Grab every opportunity you can to love her. Does she restrict her love for you? If not then she deserves the same in return.
Some men believe that they're doing their best and they point-blank refuse to do anything more. Believe me if you were doing your best she would be the happiest woman ever. If she's not happy then perhaps your best isn't good enough and you need to do more. Which then leads men to claim that she's never satisfied. Stop for a moment and think things over. You're probably doing what you want and believe to be the best for her, try doing what she would like for a change.
Promises can easily be made without hesitation, and if you've made a promise don't just make it but keep it. If she demands to know why she's been kept waiting on something she'd been promised, don't see her as demanding, aggressive, greedy, selfish and everything else. Point being, women take promises seriously. If you have no intention of living up to them then don't promise her anything. She will hold you up to it, whether you like it or not.
Now my next point is very important, so pay attention, humour works at bettering relationships, of course. But laugh with her, not at her. She's not in a relationship with you to entertain you. And if she's upset and in no mood for laughter then the last thing she needs is a joke on her. If the need is hers then give her the sentiment she needs not the one you want to give.
Don't be judgemental. Don't let one or two instances rule your opinion of her. She deserves better. Surely there would be hundreds of instances where she's proved her worth.
Know your woman. Express your affection in every way you can, but most importantly in ways that you know she enjoys. If she loves to be hugged or kissed or if she just loves holding your hand then give in to her, at least once in a while. Her smile would make it worth it.
No relationship is without arguments or fights. And there will be times when she throws her hands up. If you really do love her, don't let her go. Pride should not come in the way. Let her know you need her, that you won't let her go. That may be all that she's needing too. If she always has to keep coming back on her own, you may believe you're winning, but believe me you're not. She's giving in, not just to you but to herself. And eventually there will come a time when she doesn't turn around and you'll be left waiting in vain.
Some men actually think they're superior. They like to prove that they 'wear the pants' in the relationship. Nonsense is the one word I have for that.
In today's day and age. every individual, man or woman, is equal. Respect must be mutual. Love is to be shared. Give her her due and she will give you yours. You are two different people from different backgrounds, families and pasts. Value the fact that you are together today despite it all. Accept that you have different tastes, likes and interests. Enjoy the various and myriad things you are fortunate to share a similar take on. Take pride in the fact that a beautiful, talented and intelligent woman has committed herself to you. If she enjoys movies then let her be, she probably doesn't bother you when you're watching the news. If she lets you sleep early while she reads in bed then let her sleep in when you awake early. Some men take years to figure all this out and that's a shame.
Just because she dresses the way you like, or allows you to advise and guide her, doesn't mean she's weak. She chose to value your tastes and opinions, value her for that.
And that brings us to yet another major player in relationships, money. Yes, money unfortunately plays a big role in most relationships and often it's the role of the villain. Women have this inbuilt need to be taken care of. However independent or professionally successful she may be, she relishes the belief that she has a man to take care of her. She cherishes the security. It's a part of her chemistry. If you can afford to give then give and give wholeheartedly. Do not place limits. Does she limit the love she has for you? If you believe she is your partner then she has every right to you and all that you are and all that you have. But if you believe you deserve her gratitude in return then please don't bother giving. Because if you want her to be grateful then how much of gratitude should you express in return for all the love and all the sacrifices and all the thousands of things she willingly gives to you? Right from satisfying the needs of your body to fulfilling the urges of your soul. Just because some things cannot be evaluated doesn't mean they have no value so don't put a price tag to everything you do.
There will be a million things that you don't like about her but there are obviously a zillion more things that you absolutely adore in her. Many men constantly harp on the imperfections but fail to mention the good things, they actually expect her to figure that part out on her own. Big mistake. If you can tell her what you can't stand about her then you have to balance it with clarity on what you love about her. If not then don't bother saying anything at all because if it's always all negative she will eventually lose faith in your love for her. You may enjoy being the critic, but criticism especially when dressed with sarcasm is painful, more so when it is not countered with even the slightest of appreciation.
As they say, wild flowers grow in lavish abundance without assistance or care, but a beautiful rare orchid needs daily attention to bloom and blossom, likewise, if you've been lucky enough to have a wonderful woman then she has to have your attention. Your relationship with her needs to be valued and treated with importance.
Some relationships are buried under the mundane dullness of everyday living. Take the effort to bring love and affection into everything you share and do. Keep the romance alive and the passion burning. And not just in bed!
I'ms sure many men would probably find this post rather unfair, all I say is remember the woman you love. Remember the many many things she's done for you and for your relationship. Remember the joys you share. The happiness she brings you. Has she been there for you to hold your hand, to listen to you, to care and to love when you needed it all? Has she smiled with pride at your successes? Has she been your strength and comfort at your time of despair? Has she been a voice of support and sense when you needed guidance? Has she dropped everything to be with you at your time of need? Has she put aside her needs so you could happily satisfy yours? Has she respected your opinions and ignored her own? Are you convinced that you own her heart? Then maybe you'll agree that it's high time you let her know she would always rule in yours.
You are not competing with her to prove who is stronger or who is more dominant. You are in love with her and you want to have a beautiful life with her. Don't demand that she be the perfect person for you, work to be the perfect person for her. Isn't that what love is all about? Tweak yourself a bit and she will dedicate her life and heart to you. What more do you really want?