
Saturday 4 April 2015

It's all about choices

Recently Bollywood heartthrob Deepika Padukone announced her belief that her life and the various choices in her life were hers and hers alone, this was hugely applauded by a huge segment of the public, me included. But today I chanced upon a post on an unknown blog where the writer has chosen to rip Deepika apart for her statements. The writer chose to compare various instances and incidents of the actress's past in an attempt to prove how contradictory they were to what she claimed to believe in today. The writer chose to do this without realising that she too had the choice not to.

How often do we realise that we always have choices every time we decide to do or say or even think of something? Do we ever understand that we actually have the choice to do, think and say something completely different? And that each time we act or behave it is almost always in total and absolute reaction to the circumstances that we find ourselves in at that moment?

In this article, Deepika was accused of breaking off her relationship with Ranbir years ago, because he chose to have a fling outside their affair. Perhaps we should take a moment to realise that it was her choice to do so. The actress has claimed that it is her choice if she wishes to have sex with someone, anyone. And if Ranbir chose to do so too then we need to understand that she has the right to choose how she wishes to react to it.

As I said it is all about choices.

Recently the same actress went live and announced how she had faced and fought depression. Wasn't this a choice too? She could have easily chosen to hide the fact instead she chose otherwise, in an attempt to help those who are suffering from the illness too. It is our choice to applaud or criticise such choices.

There are some things in life that are chosen for us. Our parents, our height, complexion etc. But there are some things that totally depend on our choices. We can choose to be brave and strong and face life head on. We can choose not to be defeated but to keep brushing ourselves down and pulling ourselves up each time life deals out a blow. We can also choose to huddle away, stay meek and silent. Our attitude is our choice. Our choices determine the person that we are and the character that we own, and the beliefs that we follow.

The turns our lives take depend so much on our choices. Even a lot of our health depends on our choices. All the butter, meat and alcohol we choose to intake will show their true colors in the turn our health will take.

Who I want to sleep with is my choice. Who he wants to sleep with is his. And how I respond to his choice is thus my choice.

If I choose to expose my body, that's my choice. If someone else chooses to use my body then it's my choice to wreak havoc upon their heads. And that's all this lanky actress did when TOI chose to publish a picture of her cleavage. So what if she exposes her body in movies? She does so because she chooses to do so and she gets highly paid too. It is her choice because it is her body. And her viewers choose to enjoy it. It's as simple as that. If a gossip-loving mud slinging paper wishes to publish pictures of various parts of her body they should have asked her first. If not then she has the right to choose to slander them and she chose to act upon that right.

And yes she sat in the front row and laughed and giggled at slutty jokes, well, again, that's her choice.  And at that moment, in the situation that she was in, she may have chosen to be amused. In another set of circumstances she may have chosen to behave differently.

That's all that it is. It's all about choices.

Every choice is suited to that moment. When the moment passes, you may sometimes look back and wish you chose differently. There isn't much you can do about that. Just look forward, gauge your situations and make your choices. Just be wise and choose wisely.

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