
Monday 27 April 2015

Till death do us part.. or not?

Just about everyone in Kerala would have heard all that's there to hear about the rather public legal separation of a popular actor and his wife, once an equally popular actress. There had been gossip galore as to why they had decided to take such a drastic step and every other Keralite lapped it all up happily. The pair were analysed, their relationship scrutinised and studied but it was the new ex-wife who faced the actual brunt of all the criticism.

Personally I applauded Manju Warrier, the new divorcee, for the stand she took on the whole matter. Not once did she appear in the media in an attempt to attain public sympathy. She made no comments and steadfastly stuck to keeping her private life just that, private.

She then went on to be the face of a renowned jewellery brand and soon relaunched her acting career as well, and I bowed before her brave attempt to repair and renew her life.

Perhaps that's why it came as quite a shock when a few very close friends of mine announced a different sentiment towards the actress.

One particular friend went to the extent of saying that she did not approve of the whole affair at all. Once one was married then the commitment is for life, was her take. Especially if there are children involved. This friend believed that the actress had no right getting divorced and definitely had no business trying to build a career after it all. She was a wife and a mother and she should have stayed as such no matter what the circumstances. Honestly, I couldn't believe my ears.

I mean it's all fine for the wife to be submissive, at least to a limit. But how far is she expected to bend? But that's beside the point.

The actual point is, who are we, the common public, to judge whether a woman and a man should remain married? We don't know their lives. We have absolutely no idea why they chose to take such a step then what right do we have to judge them?

And why judge her in particular? What if she had no choice in the matter?

Because if what the grapevine says is true then it was the take of the actor in question that actually lead to the whole sad situation. But funnily no one seems to want to place any blame on him. All you need to do is just check out their Facebook pages. Dilip has adoring comments from adoring fans while Manju's on the receiving end of quite a bit of sarcasm.

So men may do as they wish and women should just suffer in silence? Shouldn't she have a right to a dignified life where she should be allowed to know and do what is best for her?

Another point that my friend brought up was the fact that the only child of the pair had chosen to be with the father. This fact, she concluded, only proved that there was something very wrong with the mother!

Again I say, we have no idea what their lives are all about.

To me, I believe that Manju is a lady who stood up for herself in spite of it all.

She did not allow herself to be broken with the unfortunate turn her life took.

She fell, but she picked herself right back up, brushed herself down and is now striding forward with all her strength.

She is a woman who has proved with her life that the past should be left alone, the present is to be lived and the future is to be looked forward to.

It's a shame that women condemn her.

This is a woman who should be admired by her own sex for the strength of character she has displayed.

This is a woman who should be seen as a leader for other women facing similar situations. She has definitely set the right example. She has proved that a woman may face a lot of trials but she can't and won't be beaten.

We all have just one life. It is our responsibility to make the most of it.

I'm sure she has a lot of friends and family standing up with and for her but I'm also sure she would be aware of public sentiment, yet despite all that she's still moving ahead and all I have to say, all that we should all say is bravo!

I think it is unjust to demand that a couple, once married should remain married all their lives. Especially in a country where arranged marriages are so popular. Two people who may not be compatible in any way are some times tied together with the bond of marriage. Rather than spending the rest of their lives in misery, wouldn't it only be fair to them that they move their separate ways and make better lives for themselves?

So many marriages are loveless.

So many people are sadly stuck together only because there are children in the equation.

Thankfully mine is probably the last generation that would give in to such unfair demands. Please don't get me wrong. I am not advocating divorce. Far from it.

Divorce rates are on the high now and frankly, that isn't healthy. We find a lot of couples breaking up within just months of togetherness. Could they have really tried hard enough?

So where does one draw the line?

What's the limit at which one can decide that it's time to move on?

Unfortunately there are no guidelines.

Marriage is indeed a sacred constitution.

But it demands a lot of effort, understanding, patience and yes, love, but most of all respect, for it to really work.

One partner would be aggressive and the other submissive, that's how the equation normally works. If both are on the same side of the fence then woe to them!

Each has to contribute and each has to be committed, just as in any other relationship, but only more.

And despite it all, if pain, anger, disgust and hatred flood in and settle down then it may be beyond repair.

In such cases, it just doesn't make sense in prolonging a farce. Move on.

But if there's even the slightest glimmer of hope then grab it and hold it tight and don't ever let it go, because you're one of the rare lucky ones!

And for those who have to move apart and ahead on their own, the pain would be inevitable. But it isn't the end of the road. It is a turn around a bend and unto a new and better path. This is the truth that I choose to believe.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

This is the me I'll always be

Ok so here's the thing, I have often been called 'loud' but don't get me wrong. I mean loud in the very literal sense of the term. I can't deny it either. You see, I have a rather loud voice and unfortunately I have absolutely no control over my volume levels. The happier I am the louder I get. And don't let me get started on how high my volumes are upped when I'm excited! I can't help it though, and mostly because I hardly notice it.

All through my life, I have been told to lower my voice. Right from when I can remember and almost always by the men in my life.

'We could hear you from down the street!'

'We could hear your laugh from next door!'

'Shush! Control yourself!'

'Speak softer!'

'You're scaring the neighbours!'

The comments would keep coming and this was the gist of most of them. My dad, bless him, didn't mind much at all, but my brother had always taken it upon himself to police me and the baton was passed over to the husband once I got married, and he was more than thrilled to take over the role.

I have done my bit too of course, often trying to keep a check on myself but before long I'm back to square one. Needless to add, I've had a lion's share of innumerable shameful moments in public when I'm rudely pulled up in front of an audience for being too loud. Even recently I had an unnecessary dressing down and precisely at that very moment I decided, enough is enough.

I'm not a teenager anymore in fact I have a teenager of my own and another in line to enter her double digits. It's about time everyone accepted that this is the way I am and this is the way I always will be. If I were to be any different, believe me I would have changed a long time ago.

But honestly, I like my voice, volume included. This voice once built me a successful career because there had been a time when I had compered professionally and was actually quite good at it, though I say so myself.

But coming back to the topic at hand, I've had it with men thinking they can judge a woman by the tone of her voice or the levels of her volume. I'm tired of being told what to do, how to think and even how to speak. I've never heard a man being told to tone down his tone so then, why can't a woman decide how she can and should behave?

Apart from being loud volume wise, I also happen to be loud opinion wise and thankfully, though many have tried, I've been pretty adamant that I won't get bullied into coyly toning down my views for the sake of someone else.

I have been titled under various adjectives - different, complex, complicated and lots more. Honestly, I don't really care.

I have reached that stage in life where I choose to live on my terms and what's so wrong with that?

I've gone through enough in life to know that at the end of the day, we are on our own. There may be sympathisers and friends who would stand with you but the bulk of community that judges and condemns will not lend a helping hand when you need it, so then, why not condone their demands?

I do however understand the restraints of society, and though I may sound rebellious, I have thankfully always had a clear view on the expectations levelled upon me and I have always tried to balance the demands of social living and family with my own personal stand. It isn't easy. In fact, it's quite a juggle most of the time and involves almost everything. Right from whom I love, whom I choose to avoid, to what I eat and even what I wear!

For instance, I live in a rather small town, where girls in t-shirts are ogled upon. So when in town I prefer staid Indian wear and only switch to comfortable and personally preferred clothes once I cross the border. Many may say it is my personal choice and I shouldn't pay attention to such silliness, I agree, however I still prefer not to have my butt stared at by the local boys.

As for what I eat, the country's reaching a stage where not society but the government has taken actions of deciding that for its public. Ridiculous. But who else are we to blame but ourselves for voting so-called leaders to positions where they start making even personal choices for each of us.

And then there's love. That is my personal choice and is nobody's business but my own.

I do not allow my choices to get in the way of my responsibilities. I am a parent. I owe it to my children that I take care of them and give them all that I can to ensure they have a secure and sound future. That is my responsibility, not a choice but definitely a pleasure.

And as a parent I would like my children to grow up in full understanding of themselves, with the confidence that they know their hearts and the courage that they can be themselves without compromise. I learnt it the tough way, there's no need for them to go down the same road.

So this is what I have to say to my children and every other child out there.

Be the person that you want to be.

It doesn't matter if you have a loud shout or a shrill squeak. What matters is you know the difference between right and wrong. And choose to be on the side of all that is good.

It doesn't matter if you're comfortable in tank tops or cotton kurtis. What matters is you know that you don't need to be indecent to be attractive.

It doesn't matter if you don't follow the norms that a cynical public demands from you, what matter is you spend your time and your life doing and being what you truly enjoy.

Love those that your heart chooses to love. Choose a purpose in life that your mind appreciates and approves of.

Make every moment make sense to you.

Read when you feel like it, sing when you want to or break into a jig!

Your happiness is your responsibility.

At the end of the day it is your life. So just be the person you always want to be.

Saturday 4 April 2015

It's all about choices

Recently Bollywood heartthrob Deepika Padukone announced her belief that her life and the various choices in her life were hers and hers alone, this was hugely applauded by a huge segment of the public, me included. But today I chanced upon a post on an unknown blog where the writer has chosen to rip Deepika apart for her statements. The writer chose to compare various instances and incidents of the actress's past in an attempt to prove how contradictory they were to what she claimed to believe in today. The writer chose to do this without realising that she too had the choice not to.

How often do we realise that we always have choices every time we decide to do or say or even think of something? Do we ever understand that we actually have the choice to do, think and say something completely different? And that each time we act or behave it is almost always in total and absolute reaction to the circumstances that we find ourselves in at that moment?

In this article, Deepika was accused of breaking off her relationship with Ranbir years ago, because he chose to have a fling outside their affair. Perhaps we should take a moment to realise that it was her choice to do so. The actress has claimed that it is her choice if she wishes to have sex with someone, anyone. And if Ranbir chose to do so too then we need to understand that she has the right to choose how she wishes to react to it.

As I said it is all about choices.

Recently the same actress went live and announced how she had faced and fought depression. Wasn't this a choice too? She could have easily chosen to hide the fact instead she chose otherwise, in an attempt to help those who are suffering from the illness too. It is our choice to applaud or criticise such choices.

There are some things in life that are chosen for us. Our parents, our height, complexion etc. But there are some things that totally depend on our choices. We can choose to be brave and strong and face life head on. We can choose not to be defeated but to keep brushing ourselves down and pulling ourselves up each time life deals out a blow. We can also choose to huddle away, stay meek and silent. Our attitude is our choice. Our choices determine the person that we are and the character that we own, and the beliefs that we follow.

The turns our lives take depend so much on our choices. Even a lot of our health depends on our choices. All the butter, meat and alcohol we choose to intake will show their true colors in the turn our health will take.

Who I want to sleep with is my choice. Who he wants to sleep with is his. And how I respond to his choice is thus my choice.

If I choose to expose my body, that's my choice. If someone else chooses to use my body then it's my choice to wreak havoc upon their heads. And that's all this lanky actress did when TOI chose to publish a picture of her cleavage. So what if she exposes her body in movies? She does so because she chooses to do so and she gets highly paid too. It is her choice because it is her body. And her viewers choose to enjoy it. It's as simple as that. If a gossip-loving mud slinging paper wishes to publish pictures of various parts of her body they should have asked her first. If not then she has the right to choose to slander them and she chose to act upon that right.

And yes she sat in the front row and laughed and giggled at slutty jokes, well, again, that's her choice.  And at that moment, in the situation that she was in, she may have chosen to be amused. In another set of circumstances she may have chosen to behave differently.

That's all that it is. It's all about choices.

Every choice is suited to that moment. When the moment passes, you may sometimes look back and wish you chose differently. There isn't much you can do about that. Just look forward, gauge your situations and make your choices. Just be wise and choose wisely.